As stated in our Terms of Use: Refunds will not be granted for any reason, so be sure you wish to enroll in this course before you make your payment. Sharing your account is STRICKLY PROHIBITED. We run daily algorithms that determine account sharing. If you are found to be sharing your account, your account will be removed without notice and without recourse.


    1. Module 1 : Before and After Pentecost

    2. Module 2 : Why Was the Holy Spirit Sent?

    3. Module 3 : Sealed and Indwelt by the Spirit

    4. Module 4 : The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

    5. Module 5 : Sanctification by the Spirit

    6. Module 6 : Filled With the Spirit

    7. Module 7 : Specific Gifts

    8. Module 8 : Genuine Gifts or Imitations

    9. Module 9 : The Gift of Tongues

    10. Module 10 : The Use and Abuse of Tongues

    11. Module 11 : Temporal and Eternal Gifts

    12. Module 12 : The More Excellent Way

    13. Module 13 : Love Described

    14. Module 14 : Exam

  • $60.00